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Managed Services

A security-first approach to make sure your technology works for you

Today's cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated every day; and they're looking at your data and infrastructure. At JONROG technology, we'll make sure they don't get it.

Stop worrying about your IT; that's our job.
  • Users
    • MFA
    • Password Management
    • Privileged Access Management
    • Work from Home
  • Devices
    • Next-Gen Antivirus & Firewall
    • Patch & Update Management
    • Ransomware Protection
  • Email
    • Data Loss Prevention
    • Managed Signatures
    • Message Encryption
  • Networks
    • 24/7 SOC / SEIM Monitoring
    • Always-On VPN
    • Zero Trust Architecture
  • Compliance
    • CMMC
    • GLBA
    • NIST
    • SOX
  • Training
    • Industry Specific Campaigns
    • Phishing Awareness
    • Records Management & Retention
  • Domains
    • DKIM Enforcement
    • DMARC Enforcement
    • Registration & Renewal
    • SPF Policy Management
  • Backups
    • Custom Retention & Frequency Policies
    • Entire M365 Tenant
    • Instant Recovery

What are Managed Services

Simply put, we're your outsourced IT department. But, that barely scratches the surface. We provide...

  • Secure Remote Access

  • Print Management

  • Advanced Email Security

  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training

  • Email Backup & Archive

  • Managed Email Signatures

  • Email Encryption

  • Data Loss Prevention

  • Secure Password Management

  • Managed Patches & Updates

  • Managed Extended Detection & Response

  • Privileged Access Management

  • Device Security

  • Managed Device Encryption

  • Always-On VPN

  • Zero Trust Policy Enforcement

  • Managed Domain Security & Protection

Not to mention, something our clients LOVE, is... it's ALL included.
No hidden fees or extra costs.

Why Managed Services one of the most asked questions by prospective clients. Here are a few more things we hear from time to time...
  • I've never had one before, and I've made it this far.

  • Everything's working fine right now, I don't need any help.

  • I do it myself; my nephew does it for me; or some varient thereof.

  • I have someone who works here doing it already.

  • I'll just wait until something breaks, then call to get it fixed.

  • It sounds like it'd be expensive.

And, while there are plenty of reasons to use an IT provider, these are the ones we feel are most important:

Easy to Budget For

  • Services are priced per employee and per device
  • Everything is included
  • Bill adjusts according to employee and device count

Scalable Solutions

Single-user or dozens of employees, JONROG technology is poised and ready to help get you to the next level.

Overall Value

  • Staff of trained and knowledgable experts
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) standing watch 24x7
  • Vetted suite of tools and solutions
  • Costs less than a skilled employee

Our Job, Not Yours

Chances are, no one told you IT was your responsibility. That's because, it probably isn't. But, that's okay, becuase it is ours.

Get back to doing what you were hired to do, and we'll assume the responsibility of making sure the technology works securely.

Peace of Mind

The assurance to rest at night knowing your organization and everything you've worked for is safe and secure is priceless; and that's what we really provide our clients:

Security, in every sense of the word.

Have More Questions?

A note from our owner

I know what we offer isn't for everyone. Some organizations aren't at a point in their growth where they need outsourced IT. Some organizations don't want to be. We're not always a good fit, and I understand that.

The last thing I want to do, is pressure someone into a partnership they don't feel comfortable with. Eventually, those types of relationships go south. There's an underlying feeling of resentment from the beginning because you weren't committed or felt pressured into the decision.

We don't have pushy salespeople. Like any other important decision, our services should speak for themselves, and if they don't speak to you, we won't try to force you to listen.

But if you have any questions, we're happy to answer them. Whether you use us or not, we just want to make sure you're headed in the right direction.

Jonathan S. Rogers

Jonathan S. Rogers

Founder & CEO

Looking for something else?

We can also help with...

With over two decades of exprerience in the IT sector, and after working with clients ranging in size from a single employee to the federal government, we've got an array of skills to offer.

So, whatever your IT needs, JONROG technology can help.